Author Supervision

... for the Engineering solutions to be fully implemented by your Construction Contractor


We ensure smooth transition and interaction between Engineering and Construction phases with zero deviations from Detail Engineering solutions

We propose several schemes to perform Author’s supervision:

  • Weekly meetings on the construction site and carrying out Author’s supervision;
  • Site visits twice a week;
  • Permanent presence at the object, work at temporary work places

Main tasks:

  • Setting up the team for the Author’s supervision: Chief Project Engineer, Chief Specialist, Leading Specialist, Engineer;
  • Schedule of site visits;
  • Necessary arrangements for the Author’s supervision team: opportunities for free access to the object, organization of working places if required;
  • Inspection of the installed parts of MEP networks and audit of MEP networks on their compliance with design documentation;
  • Presence on the construction site during tests of MEP networks in the scope needed according to the project requirements and schedule of tests on the construction site;
  • Concealed works acceptance according to the list of the concealed works specified in the working documentation;
  • Author’s supervision log, discrepancies records, mistakes;
  • Approval of alternative solutions, materials on the object, sketches, revised drawings;
  • Photofixation of changes, preparation of additional reports in parallel to the Author’s supervision log;
  • Control on instructions fulfillment, recorded in the log;
  • Informing the Client about late and poor execution of the engineers’ instructions who perform Author’s supervision to take timely measures on elimination of discrepancies with the Detail Engineering documentation and violations of norms.
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@Thor Engineering Services & Expert Office GmbH Project Quality Management, Project Services, Expert Construction Management and Thor Foil- and Wall Printing.


