Production Supervision
... for best quality equipment
We ensure that the equipment ordered for your project is manufactured as per the best modern practices, in due time, in a safe way and in best quality
Main tasks:
- Setting up the team for the Production supervision: Chief Project Engineer, Chief Specialist, Leading Specialist, Engineer;
- Schedule of production site visits;
- Necessary arrangements for the supervision team: opportunities for free access to the production facility, organization of working places if required;
- Inspection of the production facility and design solutions on their compliance with engineering documentation;
- Presence on the production site during tests in the scope needed according to the project requirements and schedule of tests on the production site;
- supervision log, discrepancies records, mistakes;
- Approval of alternative solutions, materials for the equipment, revised fabrication drawings;
- Photofixation of changes, preparation of additional reports in parallel to the supervision log;
- Control on instructions fulfillment, recorded in the log;
- Informing the Client about late and poor fabrication quality;
- taking timely measures on elimination of discrepancies with the engineering documentation and violations of norms.